Unconventional Interview Questions

Brace yourself for a thought-provoking experience that goes beyond the typical "Tell me about yourself" or "What are your strengths and weaknesses?" questions. Here's a glimpse into the kind of questions you might face and how you can prepare for them.
"If you were an animal, what would you be and why?"
This question isn't about your favorite animal or the cute, cuddly ones. It's a way for the interviewer to understand your personality traits, values, and how you perceive yourself. Do you see yourself as a lion, known for its strength and leadership qualities? Or perhaps a dolphin, known for its intelligence and social nature?
When answering this question, think about the attributes that align with the job or training program you're applying for, and use examples to illustrate why you identify with that particular animal.
"If you could have dinner with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?"
This question gives the interviewer insights into your interests, role models, and the kind of people you admire. Your choice could be a historical figure, a famous author, a renowned scientist, or even a family member – the possibilities are endless.
In your response, explain why you chose this person and what you hope to learn from them. This could be a valuable lesson, a piece of advice, or simply an opportunity to gain a new perspective on life.
"How would you describe the color yellow to someone who is blind?"
This question tests your ability to think creatively and communicate complex concepts in a simple, relatable manner. It's not about the color itself but rather about your capacity to explain abstract ideas using concrete examples, analogies, or sensory descriptions.
When answering, consider describing the feeling of warmth, the smell of a lemon, or the texture of a sunflower petal – anything that can help paint a vivid picture without relying solely on visual cues.
"If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be and why?"
This quirky question aims to understand your workplace personality and how you might fit into the team dynamic. Are you a sturdy, reliable desk that provides a solid foundation? Or perhaps a comfy armchair that offers a welcoming and approachable presence?
Your response should reflect your values, work ethic, and the role you envision yourself playing within the organization. Don't be afraid to get creative and inject a bit of humor into your answer.
"If you had to swap jobs with someone for a day, who would it be and why?"
This question evaluates your curiosity, adaptability, and ability to appreciate different perspectives. It could be someone within the same industry or an entirely different field – the choice is yours.
In your response, explain why you chose that particular job and what you hope to gain from the experience. Perhaps you'd like to understand the challenges faced by a customer service representative or gain insights into the decision-making process of a CEO.
Remember, there are no right or wrong answers to these unconventional questions. The key is to be authentic, thoughtful, and articulate in your responses. Don't be afraid to showcase your personality and let your unique traits shine through.
Preparing for unconventional interview questions is an excellent way to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your suitability for the group training organization. Embrace the opportunity to think outside the box and showcase your problem-solving abilities, creativity, and cultural fit.
Good luck with your interviews, and may the unconventional questions lead you to exciting new opportunities within the world of group training in Australia!